Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

 July 28th

The cats are having a relaxed Sunday!

Wawa wants to know if this is 
the right way to use the cat tree

Rocky Rockstar napping on the catio.
Look at his cute paws!

Luke showing he can be silly and serious!

Apollo getting some flower power

Almond says the basket works even if you are upside down

Beans and Francis found different places to lounge

Goldie watching some birds.
 Lenny and Louis like different types of cubbies

Carl is a big guy, we moved him into a bigger condo, 
I think he likes it

Billie said I interrupted their bird watching

Curtis exploring the catio!

Roxanne giving her best pose on the catio

Noodles likes this cozy chair

Jack contemplating some catnip

Luli was unsure about the catnip at first, 
but she warmed up to it. 

Brutus and Hyra in their favorite catio spots

Kuro found the best bird watching spot

Kirby is curious about the catnip too!

We will see you all Tuesday!
-AMK Team

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