Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

 June 14th 

Happy Friday!

Athena inpecting the camera!

Benji loves the head scritches!

Billie came down for some playtime!

Caper found a spring toy!

Casper is getting his sun tan on!

Dinah is a shy lady but so sweet, she loves all the pets!

Fig loves to run all around the catio!

Gina did some bird watching this morning while Panther helped me with the blog!

Harvey coming in for some pets!

Jasper giving us the ol' razzle dazzle!

Luna C. just arrived and is still getting use to all the kitties but is happy to watch them from her condo shelf!

Luna Li got some quality lap time this afternoon!

Matches explored the office today!

Max and Sasha both enjoyed some catio time!

Murlyn is snoozin' away!

Nala and Pixie got lots of fresh air today!

Puss n' Boots is very happy on the catio!

Porche is a very curious and chirpy girl!

Punky and Rickon both enjoying the heated beds!

Rori watching me clean!

Rosie keeping a close eye on the birds!

Star exploring on top of her condo!

Wawa loves all the cat trees and toys we have!

That's all for today
see you back here on Sunday!
-AMK Team

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