Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18th, 2023

 June 18th

Archer and Janeway like to explore!

Ben giving us a big stretch!

Jett and Bert love to hangout on the catio together!

Blueberry says "pets please!"

Boba showing off those furry paws!

Buddy loves all the attention!

Buzz and Kiwi went exploring this afternoon!

Coco likes to watch us clean!

Dinah likes to be up high!

Ernie is channeling his inner meerkat!

Hana and Yuki love napping on top of the condos!

Jasmine found the heated beds!

Jinx says "look at my mittens!"

Jubilee likes to birdwatch!

Junebug likes to be where the people are!

Juno has been snoozin' all morning!

Millie hanging out in her favorite spot in the office!

Nisa Boo spends her days running around, while Momo prefers to nap!

Romila is being super chatty this morning, she's loving all the head scritches!

Tari keeping an eye on the squirrels!

Tony is very excited about all the toys!

Waffles loves the catio!

Archer loves playing!

Luna likes to window watch!

Mika is blending is with the blankets!

Mittens being extra photogenic today!

Jinx B is still getting comfortable but loves her cozy bed!

That's all for today
see you back here on Tuesday!
-AMK Team!

1 comment:

  1. Millie looks pretty good here, thanks so much for taking care of her. You have a lot of kitties this weekend. Appreciate you so much ❤️
