Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3, 2023


The kitties are staying cozy and watching the rain on this quiet day at AMK!

Its day 3 on the advent calendar and we had some yummy treats to celebrate. Some of the cats are already wise to this new routine and are ready when the treats are brought out!

Obi was already licking his lips! 

Archie was being a sweet boy and just seeking some affection!

Mochi smelled the treat but decided against eating it!

Roscoe being Roscoe! Such a ham.

Bella & Luna being adorable and sweet as always!

Tucker was a little shy when I came in this morning but is now wandering the office and looking for pets!

Millie very chatty and inquisitive today, following the action as the cattery was cleaned.

Peanut looking like a kid in his jammies! He is such a lover and always wanting to be held.

Star followed peanut around and kept a close eye on the cleaning activities today!

Hope you all have a great day, see you on Tuesday! -AMK Team


  1. Not seeing my Ruby🥺 Already miss her, is she okay?

  2. Ah this is the post for Sunday, that’s why she is not here in the blog.
