Tuesday, March 15, 2022

March 15, 2022

 March 15th 

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

CAT FUN FACT! Cats mark you as their territory

when they rub their faces and bodies against you, as they have scent glands in those areas!

Here's what everyone is getting up to today!

Ani is being as sweet as ever, ready for snuggles and pets!

Arwen got adventurous today, while Lego kept an eye on her from their condo!

Cleo and Donny are still adjusting, but both have made a lot of progress towards being friends with us!

Doodle has been very adventurous here lately! He is eager to see the world of AMK!

Duncan and Lily have their favorite spot on lockdown! They own this little corner of the cattery!

Ella enjoyed a nap in Oyster's den today before coming downstairs to hang out with everyone!

Garak and Seven have had their usual sort of day! Garak enjoyed the catio views while Seven stayed cozy indoors.

Jasmine found a comfy new spot to nap in Rascal's condo! Guinness still likes his little den in their own room, though.

Jubilee has been eager to help with the emails today! He likes to sit in our laps while we work.

Luna was out and about exploring this morning, but I didn't snap a picture before she went back to her condo to chill this afternoon!

Mochi just joined us yesterday and is getting back into our routine here! She has a great condo with a view next to the window.

Nala was looking extra cute today as she stole my chair! Her beautiful collar is the perfect accent for her!

Oyster has been helpful as usual as he follows me around the cattery! He lets me know if I missed a spot while cleaning!

Patrick has spent a lot of his day playing with RB! Those two were made to be friends!

Honestly, you might think I just post the same photo of Petunia every day, but it's just that she's always in this basket! It is her favorite spot!

Rascal is looking very handsome in his favorite nap spot, another chair in the office!

RB is very excited because his BFF Chip is coming back to visit tomorrow! He can't wait to play with his friend!

We will see you all on Thursday!



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