Friday, April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024

 April 19th

It's National cat lady day, I'm sure we all have at least one of these items in our houses!

Athena is loving the sunshine!

Bunny and Hugo have both been doing lots of exploring this morning!

Frankie has too many blankets and toys to choose from!

Halley's favorite spot!

Koko has been taking field trips to the catio, he is full of energy!

Mack giving us his best pose!

Memo spending her morning up high!

Miso and Mochi are having a relaxing day!

Mumu likes hangout all over the office!

Momo showing off her lovely toe beans, and Nisa is here to say hello!

Ninja and Smokey are besties!

Patrick is ready to take flight!

Percy getting his sun tan on!

Pippin loves this shelf, she hangs out here in the afternoons!

Punky and Rickon hanging out in their usual nap spots!

Pudge is not interested in beds today!

Saba getting all the exercise today!

That's all for today
see you back here on Sunday!
-AMK Team

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 17, 2024

 April 17

Happy Wednesday!

Mack spies a bird and staying cozy up high

Luna is quite the talker, she's telling us she likes the catio

Punky and Rickon are both enjoying the catio time

Pippin likes the window and tops of the condos to explore

Mumu like the scratcher and windows boxes

Halley loves watching out the window from her condo
from her condo and while roaming 

Koko is love exploring the cattery

Miso and Mochi out exploring and making friends!

Athena wantd to know if this is how the heated bed works

Harvey loves the up high places

Saba making friends and exploring

Percy is always ready for his close up

Pudge found a cozy bed to watch birds

Bunny staying cozy in her condo and 
Hugo getting some scratching in

Ninja and Smokey staying cozy in their condo for their first day

Nisa and Momo are out exploring early today

We will see you on Friday!