Monday, October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

 October 14th

Happy Monday!

Klaus loves being up high, Sora is telling us all about her day!

Sausage is way too cozy to move!

Rani and Thinley love all the pets!

Quincy says "oh hello there i was bird watching!"

Porche is trying to take a selfie!

Oscar loves to watch all the kitties from his bed!

Oliver is ready for pictures!

Nyx is getting some sunshine before the rain!

Newton explored the catio this morning but got tired and went back for a nap!

Millie loves all the attention!

Luna S has been having a sleepy day!

Luna Li getting lots of love!

Knives is loving the butt scritches, Mushrooms really want to get into the closet!

Harrow and Griddle are shy babies but they love hanging out together!

Gulu was very excited about playtime today!

Echo was very happy to get chin scritches!

DB loves the fresh air!

Beau and Punchie are best friends, they like to take their afternoon naps together!

Bert and Jett hanging out in their favorite spots!

Bazy is extra cozy!

Almond says "ta-ta for now!"

That's all for today
see you back here on Wednesday!
-AMK Team

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12, 2024

October 12

Happy Saturday!
We have lots of black kitties right now and they all love to hangout and get treats.

Einstein making sure to get his stretches in!

Mia found a toy!

Frank and Hank are besties!

Mao got some playtime today!

Almond getting in some morning exercise!

DB loves his cozy house!

Knives and Mushrooms are becoming more outgoing everyday!

Bert and Jett just arrived but already know the best hangout spots!

Bazbeaux found a catnip toy and had lot of rolling around time!

Klaus and Sora love exploring!

Gulu likes to look out the window by his condo!

Wawa is having a sleepy day!

Oscar loves the fresh catnip!

Belle loves to talk, she tells us all about her catio adventures!

Echo gets along with everyone and everything!

Beau and Punchie are having a relaxing morning in their condo!

Luna S says "good morning!"

Millie is patiently waiting for treats!

Newton is checking out everything from his bed!

Nyx is giving us the ol' chicken leg!

Patrick showing off his lil tongue!

Porche's fave spot is right above her condo!

Quincy found a heated bed!

Rani is relaxing today while Thinley is getting some fresh air!

Sausage was not very interested in getting pictures today!

Sophie in her favorite spot loving all the chin scritches!

That's all for today,
see you back here on Monday!
-AMK Team