November 17th
Happy Sunday, it's gonna be a rainy week so grab those jackets and umbrellas!
Bernie relaxing after some morning catio adventures!
Brutus likes to follow us around, Hyra prefers to nap!
Daisy loves to snooze!
Dexter and Portia are enjoying the little bit of sunshine this morning!
Bean loooves the window, lots of fresh air!
Olive is snoozin away, Fifa exploring the window this morning!
Goose giving us a pose for the camera!
Jasper hanging out with his bestie Hannah!
Jessica has claimed the stairs for her bath time!
Lily and Momo know all the good hangout spots!
Monkey in his favorite bed!
Max and Sasha loving all pictures!
Minimi giving us the biiigest yawn, Tofu got a new scratching board!
Pepper found a basket bed!
Piper got some catnip and a new fishy toy yay!
Star is full of energy and loves to run all around the cattery!
That's all for today,
see you back here on Tuesday!
-AMK Team