Elsie is only 6 months old! Tiny baby!
Frejya enjoys the window box
Hana and Yuki are such a cute pair!
Sweet sisters!
Yuki being curious
Hana feat. Yuki's tail
Aren't Zoe's paws cute!!?
Jyn is shy but so gentle
Cozy Nim
Pretty Idgie
Floppy Rigby
We've been keeping Elsie in her condo since she's so small, but she INSISTS she can take care of herself
she's just so small and cute
Handsome Scout!
Lamar gets cuddles from Angela (which he's a fan of)
Lamar gets a kiss (Which he says he could do without)
Hyra flopping around and purring
Such a sweet angel!
Brutus demanding attention
Such a beautiful kitty!
Stanley attacks the scratching post
Sweet Stanley
Monkey explores the catio
Rita looking stately and dignified
Wide eyed Skipper
Look at those baby blues
Lil' Man flounces around the catio
What are you looking at Lil' Man?
Frankie does a big yawn
Sweet sleepy Pastow
Brutus claims the top of the cat tree
Cecil licks his lips after an afternoon snack
Cecil in the sunshine on top of his condo
Sweet Quorra!
- Your blog host, Devon =^.^=