Friday, August 23, 2024

August 23, 2024

 August 24th

Happy Friday!
The cats are staying pretty lazy on this rainy day!

Wawa says rainy days are for naps!

Pepper popping up through the cat tree

Fennec and Nagi on the catio before the rain!

Andy comes out to say hi!

Leopold Daniel watching from up high!

Babette likes pets and to watch the cattery from this ledge

Garth likes the tops of the condos

Stevie explored other's condo before returning back to her cozy cubby

Oliver likes all the places on the cat tree

Mary says rainy days are for naps

Marceline and Simon keeping a watch from their condo

Batman showing you his big stretch!

Roxanne has decided this is her new favorite place

Pearly explores the stairs

Felix exploring the catio

Musubi in their favorite place at the top of the stairs

Opal explores all the places!

Nala found a cozy place on top of the condos

Clovis got caught mid bath for his photo

Condi watching everyone from up high!

Bernie wants to know why the birds aren't out in the rain today

Mittens looking from up high!

Echo out exploring and Ziggy staying cozy

Watson coming out from a nap

Bella and Luna like napping in different cubbies

We will see you Sunday!

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