What else do you have to do today other than look at a bunch of cat photos????
Happy Caterday!
This is how my Caterday started. Hmmm. There must have been a litter party last night.
Who was the culprit (s)? NOT Zuko, although he looks mighty guilty.
Coco and Panqueque positioning. But it's all a charade.
I know this look. It usually ends in a hairball.
Nope. False alarm. Just mid lick I guess.

Sweet Missy, and no mess to clean up after.
Sarge loves the heated basket in the catio. He's normally an indoor cat at home, but now he's had a taste of the great outdoors and he likes it.
Yes, It's almost dinner Sarge.
My Coco, what big teeth you have.
Panqueque discovers something.
A plant outside the permiter of the catio.
Don't eat it kitty.
Chewy is the Observer of all that happens in the catio.
Millie is a sweetie. Her first visit here at All My Kitties
and she's kind of shy.
Sometimes it's hard to get photos of our cat guests until dinner time. Here's Miriam enjoying her first nibbles.
Basil is excited about seeing the food tray too.
Clovis is gobbling up his meal. YUMMMMM!
I'm really not sure if this is Arina or Rowdy. They are two cats that are boarding with us and they kind of look the same. They are a very small exotic breed, with great big eyes.
Hi Seal. Where have you been?
Some kitties are just not ready to come out yet, like Aguardiente here.
And then there are other kitties, like Schooner and Taco, who will never come out. But I think they sneak out at night
when no one is looking.

Ahhhh, dinner time for Zukos too.
He looks pretty interested.
Maks would not sit still to take a clear photo.
He is a very nice, kind of shy, gentle kitty.
Arlo and I were just having a fun game of catch the string toy, when he spots something under the door.
He stops to check it out.
It's moving around. He's daring. He's going to go for it.
It's my cat Fairy. She loves to tease the kitties.
And the culprit to the litter party mystery.....
Phew, that was a lot of photos. I may not have a chance to post another blog until Tuesday when Kara returns from a much deserve weekend off. If you can't wait until Tuesday, you are welcome to email me at marie@allmykitties.com and I will gladly send you a couple of snaps.
Have a great rest of your weekend.
Your blog host,
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