Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024

 May 21st

Happy Tuesday, we hope everyone is staying dry out there!

Casper is having so much fun here!

Bayley did lots of exploring today!

Gracie says "no paw pics!"

Greyson checking out the stairs!

Ingrid and Peter are two peas in a pod!

Kitty came out to say hello!

Loki is snacking on breakfast!

Newton says "all paws and tails inside the vehicle!"

Punky and Rickon love the attention!

Bazzy taking over the catio!

Tula is ready for a nap!

Ruby Tu loves her cabin bed!

Roxanne went from one square house to the next!

Luna and Snow love to window watch!

Sox loves to nap in the sunshine, Cleo prefers her cozy bed!

That's all for today
see you back here on Thursday!
-AMK Team

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