Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024

 May 5th

Happy Sunday and Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Bayley took a long nap today but came out this afternoon to stretch those legs!

Beau is feeling sleepy today, but not too sleepy for pets!

Casper loves to get cuddles from us!

Coco likes to back and forth from her condo to the window box!

Daji is checking out the view!

Felix got to play with the wand toy today, Scarlet is showing us her best loaf impression!

Roxanne is extra cozy!

Freya and Trudy are feeling tuckered out after their morning exploring!

Geno and Goldie are big explorers and love all the attention!

Goose is the chattiest fluff ball!

Kiki and Thora just arrived and are still getting comfortable but were interested in the wand toy!

Merlin and Ollie found the heated beds!

Max and Sasha love to be where the people are!

Punky and Rickon know the best hangout spots!

Ruby thinks my jokes are very funny, thank you Ruby!

Saba is checking out the cat tree!

Tobi loves to play and Mr. Sheldon prefers to nap!

Tulsa got a heated blanket, she doesn't wanna leave her bed!

That's all for today
see you back here on Tuesday!
-AMK Team

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