Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

 July 2nd

Happy Tuesday!

Wawa strutting along!

Juno in her favorite place and sun drunk on the catio

Cocoa loves the heated cabins!

Laptop likes to watch from the top of his condo

Archie enjoying a drink on the catio

Maya likes the up high shelves

Brio in his favorite spot on top of condo 7

Greta staying cozy after exploring

Bert and Jett both love to hang around!

Boba played with his friend Koko this morning then took a looong nap!

Koko is always full of energy and loves to play!

Celia is extra cozy!

Cousteau and Shackleton love to lounge!

Gus looking as silly as ever!

Luna is loving the sunshine!

Mao is so cute, just look at the funny way they sit!

Millie showing us her cute smile!

Quinn spent the morning birdwatching!

Toots is doing some yoga for us today.
Waffles likes head pets.

Waffles is wondering if she can help sweep!

Zuli hanging out way up high!

That's all for today
see you back here on the 4th of July!
-AMK Team

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