Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14, 2024

 September 14th

Happy Saturday, yay to the weekend!

Charlie says "Look how high up I am!"

Wawa is good at taking baths

Gerda and Oona staying cozy in their cubby

Babette says "did you hear that?"

Brio likes this cubby!

Lagatha found a cozy corner to watch the other cats

Porkchop is still warming up

Andy loves his window!

Ana and Elsa are loving their bed!

Chutney is extra sleepy!

Bella is having a relaxing day exploring the alcove while Enzo is exploring the catio!

Bella and Luna have the best bird watching spots!

Casper is a shy guy but he loooves the head scritches and exploring other's cubbies!

Mack likes to hangout in the smallest of beds and also stretching out on top of condos!

Scarlet is ready for takeoff, 
Felix is being a little brave and playing with a toy!

Miso has lots of energy today!

Ollie and Otis love to chat and love attention!

Porsche says "hey when is dinner?"

Tucker enjoying the fresh air!

Turlough was very brave today and explored all over!

Walter says "woah, what is that freaky feather doing?"

That's all for today
see you back here on Monday!
-AMK Team

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024

 Sept 12

It's a wet and cloudy Thursday here at All My Kitties, but we are keeping busy!

Wawa is treating the office like her own personal spa, relaxing and getting a pedicure in

Andy is enjoying hanging out and watching the rain in our window box 

Bella and Luna are always curious about what we're doing and watching from their vantage points

Gina and Panther are super chill and cozy in the window box and on the cat tree

Miso is adorable and sweet, and loves to hang out with us wherever we go

Porsche has been exploring more! Here she is rolling around on top of the condos

Felix is venturing out of his condo more, while Scarlett enjoys the fresh air in the window box

Charlie is in a silly, playful mood, enjoying all the toys and towers we offer

Bailey and Piper tend to stay cozy together, curled up in their cubby

Meenie is the cutest! She is never too far behind us and has been bravely venturing downstairs

Charlie is such a pretty boy, and enjoys lounging across the floor in the office

Chutney likes this spot in his condo, where he can keep an eye on everyone going by   

Walter has a few favorite spots around the cattery where he likes to hang out

Ollie and Otis are always interested in what we're doing and keep watch from their respective spots

Mack is an explorer and finds all of the best chill spots in the cattery

Brio is balancing his priorities, both staying comfy and exploring today

Babette has been enjoying more and more time out on the catio

Tucker makes the cutest faces!

Casper is still feeling shy, but is starting to get more interested in all the activity on the cattery

That's all today, folks! See you Saturday