Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024

 Sept 18

Happy Wednesday!

Wawa trying a new bed and taking a nap

Andy exploring all the places

Felix exploring while Scarlett naps

Casper loves a cozy cabin and some pets

Mack in his favorite bird watching basket

Tucker out and about on the catio

Lagatha found a cozy chair and checking out some catnip

Bella and Enzo exploring and smelling fresh catnip

Gerda and Oona staying cozy

Hazel loves catnip and Soli loves hanging out in a cubby

Ninja and Smokey like to be together

Arya Stark loves catio time

Jack found a couple new beds to try

Chutney napping with his toy

Miso says "this catnip is amazing!"

Rani and Thinley staying cozy!

Porkchop watching from another kitty's condo

Anastasia and Elsa coming out to explore!

We will see you Friday! 

-AMK Team

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