Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024

 September 2nd

Happy Monday, we hope everyone is having a good three day weekend!

Almond loves the head scritches!

Andy loves the window!

Apollo is being so cute it's making it hard to do my work!

Babette loves to watch all the kitties from the top of the stairs!

Loki just arrived and is already getting curious!

Baker, Casey, and Kyrie are all about the pets today!

Panther and Gina are having a relaxing afternoon!

Gus Gus loves to be under his blankets for maximum comfort!

Thora likes her condo while Kiki prefers the fresh air!

Luna R making sure to give the camera a good sniff!

Wawa had some catio time today!

Memo likes to bird watch!

Nala's whiskers are making her look extraterrestrial!

Otis likes all the attention, Ollie likes to be up high!

Porche loves to roll around ontop of the condos!

Quincy loves relaxing!

Roxanne just woke up from a nap, so cute!

Scarlett giving u a biiig yawn, Felix is feeling a bit camera shy today so he's napping in his condo!

Miso came out to explore the catio this afternoon!

Bella and Luna had lots of catio time this morning!

That's all for today
see you back here on Wednesday!

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