Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6, 2024

Happy Friday!

Sometimes we get of kitties with similar markings. 
We are rich with tuxedos! 

Wawa likes to watch from the cat tree

Andy loves a warm window

Babette likes pets and catio time

Roxanne sunbathing

Luna and Bella lounging

Memo found the sun!

Gina and Panther like their sunny window seat

Luna R enjoying some catnip!

Apollo watching from up high and 
watching out the window from a cat tree

Miso explores all over!

Porsche likes the top of her cozy cubby

Felix cozy in his cubby and Scarlett enjoying a window seat

Loki likes to watch from his condo

Bailey and Piper are still figuring us out 
but also warming up more and more each day

Charlie staying cozy and exploring the window

Cider likes to watch from their condo
 and explore other's condos

Maisie stretching out and exploring the catio

Meenie popping a head out to check out the other cats
 and getting belly rubs!

Birdie out exploring and
 Bugs getting some attention

Ruby Tu telling us how much she likes the catio

Charlie loves time on the catio!

Gus Gus enjoying a window seat!

We will see you Sunday! 
-AMK Team

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