Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10, 2024

 September 10th

Happy Tuesday!

Andy likes his window seat

Charlie likes this box and watching Panther from above

Charlie strutting on the catio

Chutney bird watching from the top of his cubby

Walter likes to watch from the top of his condo

Babette getting some morning exercise in!

Bella and Luna enjoying different beds around the cattery!

Piper has her eye on a bird,
Bailey cozy in her condo after exploring in the morning

Scarlet is sooo sleepy,
Felix is staying cozy!

Gina spends her days in the window while Panther got a ton of brushes!

Lily is keeping her eye on everything and loving some catnip!

Loki has been enjoying looking out the windows,
Lumi comes out of their cubby to watch the other cats

Meenie coming out for lots of pets and sniffs 
and trying the kitty tube!

Miso loves spending her time on the catio!

Porsche says "hello I'm up here!"

Wawa got some brushes after some climbing adventures!

That's all for today
see you back here on Thursday!
-AMK Team

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