Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

 September 16th

Happy Monday!

Brio hanging out in his favorite bed!

Wawa always full of energy!

Gerda and Oona love to snuggle up together!

Andy got lots of playtime today!

Hazel came out to stretch her legs, Soli prefers to rest!

Arya Stark having a relaxing day in her bed!

Bella and Enzo ran all around the catio this morning!

Bella spends her days on the catio While Luna found a cozy basket to nap in!

Casper loves the heated catio cabins!

Chutney giving us a big yawn after a big nap!

Lagatha being so cute!

Mack got some fresh air after breakfast this morning!

Tucker getting all the pets!

Walter explored the catio this morning but came back to his condo shortly after for a nap!

Scarlet hopped right on my shoulders for a nap and Felix came out to bird watch and play with some toys!

Ana and Elsa are feeling sleepy!

Porkchop is a shy gal, she likes to spend her days in her coz bed!

Ninja and Smokey are feeling curious this morning!

Rani and Thinley just arrived and are feeling a bit camera shy so we're letting them rest today!

That's all for today
see you back here on Wednesday!
-AMK Team

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