Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024

 September 26, 2024

Happy Thursday!!

Love is in the air today at All My Kitties! Here, Sid and Bayleaf sneak a kiss

Porkchop spent some time in the office window birdwatching today

Gerda is always curious to see what I'm doing, and Oona has been loving the tops of the condos

Mack is also a top of the condos kitty, he can be found snoozing and stretching up there all day

Wawa was a little annoyed that I interrupted her naptime for pictures

Bella and Enzo were very sleepy too, snoozing both together and separately around the cattery

Arya spent some time out on the catio, getting up high to watch the birds

Rani came out to get some good pets today, before rejoining Thinley to cuddle in their cubby

Sid the Squid showed off for the camera, rolling around on top of his condo

Bernie enjoyed the sun on the catio today, and is always down for some good head scratches

Ziggy found some good cubbies to explore in the office today

Cleo loves chilling in her condo, while Jake is more of a catio type of cat

Birdie and Bugs spent some time exploring out on the catio

Lucy also did some catio exploring, especially spots as high up as she could find

Bayleaf alternated between serious and silly posing up on top of her condo

Topher ventured out of his condo to do some climbing today

Raleigh definitely has a favorite basket to hang out in out on the catio

Fig spent time both in and out today, both enjoying the warmth of the sun and the warmth of her cubby

Ben enjoyed both pets and exercise on the catio today

Sophie enjoyed this high shelf where she could watch the other kitties

Gulu is starting to warm up! Here he is hanging out on the shelf inside of his condo and keeping watch

That's all for today, folks! Thanks for reading, see you on Saturday!


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