Friday, April 22, 2022

April 22, 2022

 April 22nd

Happy Friday, Everyone! 

Our furry friends are enjoying the warmer weather! Spring is here! 

Eve is a shy girl but adventurous! You'll find her hanging out on top of the stairs keeping an eye on everything below!

Hyra and Brutus have been enjoying their time on the catio, soaking up the sun! 

Jimmy, Honey, Peachy, and Sammy are all having a blast! Peachy has gotten much bolder and has taken to exploring with her siblings!

Phil Collins is a sweet boy who loves his naps, you can either find him sound asleep in a cozy basket bed, or relaxing on the catio! 

Roxanne is sweet as always! She loves to hangout on the catio and greet the new clients!

Zeus is such a sweetie! He loves hanging out at the top of the stairs and loves to demand head rubs! We are very happy to oblige! 

Leopold Daniel loves to climb! He is always where you least expect him to be! Yesterday and today, he decided he loves the catio! 

Jon Robie is a very mellow fellow! He wants the simple things! A nice heating pad and a full bowl of food!

Teddy is heading home tomorrow and we will be very sorry to see him go! He is such a sweetie and loves to explore!

Pip is a wild man! He is in constant motion! He loves to run around and explore at top speeds!

Cloudy is feeling a bit shy today! Yesterday, he did some exploring so today he decided to hangout in his condo!

 Stitch is a very active boy! He loves running, climbing and playing with all the other kitties!

Bazbeaux is a simple man, he loves his naps and his food, you can usually find him sunbathing on the catio!

Nittany has found a favorite spot in a cozy heated bed, she loves to watch the other kitties while relaxing!

Jasper is a sweet adventurous boy, you can find him anywhere from the catio to hanging out on top of the stairs!

Maeve is a chatty gal, not super interested in exploring yet but likes to stay cozy in her condo and watch from afar!

Kai and Kona are settling in well! They are not interested in exploring a lot yet but they love their basket! The boys have been very interested in becoming my friends!

Luna is off exploring today! She was eager to be out and about this morning! She has been interested in becoming friends with both Marceline and Gary!

Gary is not very interested in making friends yet although both Marceline and Luna are warring him down! He loves sitting in the window boxes and watching the birds!

Izzy has settled in well! She is a very cautious explorer! She loves exploring the computer cabinet both outside, on top and under!

Josslyn is a very sweet gal! She has settled in quickly and has been slowly exploring more and more of the room! She has been surprised to meet some of the younger cats that we have! She is very gentle with them!

Sylvia was off exploring today! She loves to try to fit into everything! It is funny to watch her squirm her way into every nook and cranny in the office!

 Marceline is very playful! She has a lot of energy and wants to play with everything! She has been busy today trying to make friends!

Catsby and Cheese were not very interested in exploring today! They love long naps in their condo! They never say no to a good head rub!

Cat Fun Fact! cat with a question-mark-shaped tail is asking, “Want to play?”

We will see you all on Sunday!



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