Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 29th

 Pete and Leo.  What loving kitties.



Jinx enjoying the Catio 

 Now these are some impressive claws Panther.


Foster and 
Bailey love the outdoors, rain or shine,
 or today, HAIL.

Pretty girl Chloe

Chloe takes time to sharpen up her paw knives.

 We all would really like to get down the stairs but there seems to be a road block. 

Move please Jinx.

Showcase Calliope

Calli knows how to use the cat door.

A new arrival came in but Calli didn't know what was in the green carrier.

I guess it was a bit of a rude welcome for our
Phil Collins. 

 Bloo sticks out his tongue at me.


 Here's Noodle Kitty

Sookie has taken over my chair and looks shocked when I want it back.

Oreo camera shy today.

If I missed someone please email me at and I will email you a personal photo.  

Your blog host - Marie

Thursday, February 27, 2020

February 27th

SPECTACULAR weather graces showers our guests in sunshine!

Q-Tip cozies up in a window box.  

Elvira has really warmed up to us!

Jinxy winksy!

Leo is the big cat on campus.  

Great to see you again, Sookie!

Ollie one out-going dude. 

Berlioz is full of swagger. 

Lovely Leo.

Pretty warm out today, huh Leo?

Sookie always has the sweetest expression on her face.  


Welcome, Calliope!

Oreo just got dropped off moments ago.

Howdy, Jinx!

Ollie loves hanging out in the catio.

Sunny days for Chloe.

Leo cruizes around the catio.

Foster is fabulous!

Bailey is Queen of the Catio.



Sayyida surveys her domain from on high in her condo. 

Leo loves having his picture taken.  

Panther is an easy-going dude for sure!  

Cutest Calliope.

Pete had the biggest purr around.  

He a sweet coo-bird!  

Sayyida is VERY satisfied with her condo-assignment.

Bloo's on the prowl again.  

Berlioz beckons for a tum tum rub.  

Oh that's the spot!

What a love!

Thanks for looking!

Your blog host,
