Friday, October 15, 2021

October 15, 2021

 October 15th, 2021

Happy Friday, everyone! Everyone at All My Kitties is having a nice, cozy day today. But I do have a funny video to share with you to brighten this cloudy fall day! Check it out:

Hope you enjoyed! It gave us a real laugh today. Let's see what the kitties are getting up to!

Ada, Rory, and Salem have been having a great lazy day. Most of the kitties have spent the day curled up! Rory is exploring more and more each day, but Ada and Salem prefer to keep things snuggly.

Archie was looking like a total supermodel today when I came around to take pictures! He got lots of pets after this, just like a handsome little guy deserves.

Bayley has been curled up in her den today, making sure to keep warm as the weather is getting chillier. 

Bella and Enzo, ever the adventurous duo, couldn't care less about the temperature outside - they've got to explore! Too many birds to watch, too little time.

Boomer and Ellis have gotten more and more comfortable with each passing day! It was a quick exploration out to the catio, then back to the snuggle zone. 

Bootsie and Puss N Boots each had their versions of snuggly days. Bootsie loves hanging out in her condo while Puss prefers to roam around and find the best spots to sleep in. 

Sweet Chloe is always a lovely guest! She likes her beds nice and fluffy, only the best for a lovely lady like herself.

Cosmo is new around here but is getting used to our routines! It seems like almost everyone got the memo to keep it cozy today, and Cosmo was no exception.

Felix and Scarlett continue to be opposites, where Felix adores his den and loves hanging out in there, Scarlett has to EXPLORE! Today, she found a great spot to look out the window on top of one of the condos.

Higgins and Frida have been cracking me up today (do you see Higgins's little foot dangling down?). Frida is a bouncy little girl! It's hard to get a clear picture of her sometimes, but it's so easy to get snuggles. 

Much to my surprise, Harington didn't seem upset when I woke him up from his nap. Instead, he took the opportunity to rearrange and get even more comfortable... I think.

Rizzo is such a polite little girl! She likes hanging out on the catio and greeting customers when they come inside. I've been joking that many of our guests get a little Customer Service training while they're here. 

Jasmine, like her princess namesake, is royalty! She's got a condo high above many of the other kitties so she can look down lovingly on her peasants down below.

Jinx has been all about the outdoors today. I think he's wanting to go for a little bird hunt. Sorry, Jinx! Bird watching is all we have on the agenda. 

Jubilee and Apollo have surprised me today. These two guys are known around AMK for being "office out" cats - they don't have assigned condos. They prefer to do their own thing and be independent. What's surprising is that they've become buddies! Neither of them have ever particularly cared for another kitty here, but they've been napping side by side all day long.

Curious little June Bug loves exploring the cattery! From the top of the stairs to her very own condo, she's figuring out what the deal is with each nook and cranny. 

Okay, I know Lana Del Rey looks angry with me here - I can explain!... She was definitely napping when I not-so-quietly opened up her condo to snap a few photos. I think the impromptu photoshoot was... less than welcome. Don't worry, she's cozied up in her den now, safe from the klutzy paparazzo. 

I've seen Maisie exploring a fair bit today! She's followed me up and down the stairs a few times, but really found that she likes her shelf. We like to play gentle classical music for the kitties using that radio there - I think she's a fan. 

My goodness, Milo! How'd you get so handsome? This sweet boy was flopping over left and right for me earlier today. If only he'd looped in his downstairs neighbor, Lana, to be in on the modeling gig, maybe I wouldn't be in the doghouse! 

Nala was so interested in getting pets today, it was hard to snap a clear picture! She started off napping on her shelf, but when I came by, she was READY for attention. So, a few blurry photos and lots of snuggles later, here we are. 

Oliver is probably not too happy that I had to use my flash on his photoshoot (and that I accidentally knocked over a bit of kibble...). He's a cute little shadow! He's been cozied up today - you have to look close to see him in real life!

Our resident queen Sayyida was snoozing peacefully today! Luckily I didn't wake her up, otherwise I don't know that I would have heard the end of it. Sayyida is known for having... A lot of things to say. On the plus side, she's great to chat with if you've got something on your mind!

Tom Wizard wasn't thrilled I barged into his cozy den with my camera out, but after a few pets and whispered reassurances, he cuddled down into his blankets to resume his nap. He's warming up to us, little by little!

That's all I've got for you today, folks! Join us on Sunday to see what the kitties will be up to... Will they be bouncing off the walls, or cozied up again? Only time will tell.


1 comment:

  1. Loved the video!!!🤣 Glad to see. Chloe is doing well. 🐈❤️
