June 16th
Happy Sunday, we hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing day today!
Benji came out to explore!
Billie loves to nap up high!
Casper showing off his model face!
Cinnamon LOVES all the atttenion, he keeps me company while i work!
Dinah did lots of exploring this morning!
Fig loves to run around the catio!
Harvey is having a lazy Sunday!
Hana and Yuki are also feeling lazy today!
Jasper on the the other hand is full of energy!
Luna C.H. found a quiet hangout spot where she got some chin scritches!
Luna Li is saying hi to Rori, a fellow black kitty!
Millie says "hello belly rubs please!"
Mittens went to the catio this moning for a nap and fresh air!
Max and Sasha have been on the move today!
Murlyn channeling his inner croissant!
Nala and Pixie both enjoyed bird watching today!
Pepper is too cozy to leave their bed!
Porche is showing us her weirdest sitting positions!
Punky and Rickon say "hello!"
Rori is always chatting away!
Rosie is way too cozy to move!
Saba is extra sleepy after morning zoomies!
Star is making sure he is the star of the camera!
Teddy hanging out with his kitty friend!
Wawa has her eye on a bird!
That's all for today
see you back here on Tuesday
-AMK Team
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