Sami guards the office serenely.
Moose chills out (heats up?) in the windowbox.
Gabby is aptly named (I get the déjà vu feeling that I've said those words before!)
She guards the door ferociously.
Gilda is rolling around, being a sweetie!
Aji plays it cool.
Jazzmine blinked when I took the picture. Oops!
Jackie O.
Millie LOVES attention!
She makes it worth your while-- she shows you when she appreciates it!
Buster D... someone is watching you!
Blue just got here today. Meeeeow!
He's helping me find the spots I still need to clean... :P
Boy, it's hot today.
Who does this kitty rump belong to?
Oh, hello Conseco! I swear I wasn't taking photos of your behind...
Palu relishes the summer weather.
Everybody seems to be in a good mood. Well, Mia is always in a good mood.
Who's this?
Ollie, of course!
Juan relaxes in his personal patch of sun.
Harrison enjoys his basket, and the slightly cooler indoor temperatures.
Mac is a climber!
Mia followed me back inside! She loves people.