March 24th
Happy Friday, we hope everyone has a super
paw-some weekend!
Cloudy and Taofu are still warming up to us!
Charlie exploring the catio after just one day! So brave!
Ahsoka may be small but loves to climb!
Fergus showing off his model shots!
Frodo seems to have fallen asleep while bird watching!
Lenny, Louis, and Goldie all love attention and exploring the catio!
Hamza is not sure what to think about Frodo!
Laptop exploring and getting some shoulder time
Ollie never passes up some good scritches,
while Merlin loves to roll around with all the catnip toys!
Millie wore herself out with all that stretching and scratching!
Momo and Nisa Boo have decided to take it easy for the rest of the day after exploring!
Doughnut likes to watch everything from the stairs,
while Spaghetti like to check out things from the condo!
Vincent exploring the office closet!
That's all for today, see you back here on Sunday!
-AMK Team
Yay for stretching, scratching, and sleeping. You all are the best!