Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cordelia, Roxy Rose, Bartleby & Aziza

Cordelia looks at me as if I'm crazy... I think I might be!  (I made these balls from cat fur that came off when I brushed the kitties, a la "Zilla Ball" from last entry.)

Roxy Rose is still cozy inside the computer desk.  Check out the ADORABLE criss-crossed paws!

Well, hello!

She takes a brief break from napping to skeptically sniff a toy.

Meanwhile, just before returning home, Aziza gets in a last bit of lazy playing in the "Catio."

(There's Bartleby in the background.)

There was much rolling:

Some friendly catnip-sharing:

And then some soccer:

Watch a video of Aziza playing:

She knows she's photogenic!

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