Saturday, February 18, 2012

Look at this goofy girl!

Rosabell won't stop sticking her tongue out!

A curious Coco pops out from behind the computer.

Gabby sits by the window and chats with us.

Roo, you look wild!

What are you trying to get at?



He's a very focused kind of guy.

Baby has claimed the pagoda!

Parson does his best hermit-crab impression.

Mack is no exception to the rule: cats will sniff your finger if you offer it.

Bentley is a very playful guy!

Most of the pictures of him up here were just a blur of activity as he wrestled with the driftwood post!

A rare moment of peaceful contemplation.

Talk about peaceful!  Jackson knows how to take a vacation.

Buster, too.

Millie comes out from her bottom bunk to say hi!

They make a good pair!

Lucy found a perfect hideaway.

She sure responds well to being petted!

This is the face Sabrina gives me every time I pet her.  Just look at the love in her eyes!

Mittens is a cozy kitten!

Lady P. is not so sure...

"It's a little windy out here..."

"Maybe I'll just go inside and do yoga."

"...and take a nap."

Lady P knows that self care is very important.

Sky is another cozy kitten!

Kung Fu does his best moves... but we're not scared!  We know that deep down he's a big softy!

Hobbes recovers from a dreaded "vacuum sighting."  Everyone knows a vacuum is a cat's worst enemy.  (Except for roombas, of course.)

Your blog host,

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