Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kittens in the house!

Just another lazy weekend at All My Kitties

Bombay showing off his cute little belly.

Aw Spike is just adorable.

George peeking out from his little fort!

Chief just hanging out.

Millie is sooo cozy in her basket.

Loup looks like he wants a little shut eye.

Marilyn is getting ready to take on the world

Zezou does have eyes.  He just doesn't like to show them when the camera flash goes on.

Spike found a little tent to chill in.

Photo shoot of Mojo at the veterinarian's office where he had his stitches taken out from an injury prior to coming to All My Kitties.  Wow, what a very cooperative patient.

Freeeedom AT LAST!!!   Mojo is so delighted to have his head cone removed too.

Marcel looks pretty comfy.

Moe looks a little squished in his basket. Hmm... I wonder why?

Aww because his sister Jo is also in there.  Peekaboo Jo, I see you.  Siblings are so adorable.

I think Miles and I are pretty darn excited about theses new baskets for Spring.  It's important to keep all our bedding clean or new.

Gigi went on a little adventure outside today.

Philbert, you are just too cute.

Eliza looks adorable with her Spring lion cut.

Buster back in his favorite spot outside in the heated cat cabin.  We should just put his name on it.

Moterhead decided to come outside today.  What a handsome dude.

Koa napping away.
Sushi getting her beauty sleep.

Venus looks like she just got caught trying to escape.

Aw, Junior what a cutie!

Lucy is ready for more food.

Kittens!! Well, Wentworth is about a year. But I still consider that a kitten!  Jo and Moe are young-ins' too.

But Maximus is the winner for youngest at four months old.

All our boarders are just too cute.  What a great job!

Happy Saturday!
Your blog host - Ellen

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