Sunday, September 29, 2019

September 29th

It's a Black Cat Party
today at All My Kitties!
Pretty Frankie has a luxurious fur coat
The softest girl with a little salt n pepper

Charles says "2 more days until I'm free to roam!"
Meow surveys the office from his roost

Chloe is always so good to pose for me

Who's that hiding under there?

It's a Cinnamon kitty!

Emma investigates the solarium 
Mars & Emma were fast friends

Yes Emma thats yours!

Welcome Kemba!

Gotta check out the catio 
Lamar is just cruising on by

Mars has a sweet little face!

She's come out to play!

Mezzy is the captain of this ship 
Wide-eyed Nox

Always somewhat bewildered

Nyx is one moment from a flop and roll!

Puss n Boots doesn't mind the cold

Simon peeks out from his nest

Spacey is full of wonder

Such a doll! 
Winter has really made herself at home

Getting some fresh air

Welcome Charlie! Look at all those toes you have!

Thanks for tuning in!

Your Blog Host,

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