Monday, November 7, 2011

Zilla loves her Furminator brush.  She was nuzzling my hand!

Cordelia likes it, too!  It made her do this cute meeping meow!

Look at that fur pile!  By this point she was fed up, and tried to swat at me when I reached for the giant fur pile to throw it away.  Ok, Cordelia!  I'll do it later, I guess!

Kaster the furriest cat of all time resides in his basket.  He snuck into Marie's closet earlier so I had to oust him.  Boy, he is a big kitty!

Franky is a sweet kitty who loves his basket!

Romeo, oh Romeo!

Smokio is more like it!

"Hey, Pippin!  Let me in!"

No!  This is my condo!

Pippin stands his ground.

"Yeah, that's right! Scram!"

"I ain't your Juliette!"

Meanwhile, Jane steps out on the town.

And sniffs around a bit.

"Hmm!  The cattery is full of interesting smells!"

One of her family members, Dick, prefers this high up basket.

Sabrina is a bit cranky at times, but she is easily wooed with a little head-scratching.

"Ohhh yeah!"

And she can't resist the chin scratch!

Her sis, Sky, loves it, too.

Tiger wants nothing more than to go adventure outside.  As soon as I let him out in the morning, he barely even says hello to me before he takes off!

This looks like a nice spot...

"Hey, wait!!!"

There's another cat in there...

Actually, two cats!  (I couldn't resist checking!)  Squeadle is a very shy guy, but here I see he has made friends with Ozzie!  How sweet!!!

Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you, Squeadle!  You can go back and cuddle with Ozzie some more!

Oops, Ozzie has also been uprooted.  Sorry, guys!  I really didn't mean to break up your cuddle huddle!

Dick emerges from his basket... gaze out the window, wistfully.

Mac knows how to relax.

See you next time!
Your blog host,

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