Saturday, July 23, 2011

Smudge sits in the sunny window box.

Kashi shows off to me by rolling around emphatically.

He gets a little wild and of course falls off... but catches himself most deftly on this other scratching post!

Then, slightly awkwardly, works his way to the ground.

Tana also likes to show off, but she is a little more graceful and manages not to fall off.

She got really obsessed with this drinking fountain!

Smells interesting, I guess!

Nina wanders around, checkin' the place out.

Lulu walks by, saying "if you haven't heard, MEOOOW!!!"

Nina says "Oh, I heard already."

Lulu says "I just wanted to be sure."

Lola looks like a lion.

And plays like a kitten! 

Lola loves to be loved.

Here's another kitty in a lion costume!  Her name's Eliza.

She looks like a question mark!

Or a mysterious animal, lurking in the woods!

Buster takes a rare break from his favorite top-shelf basket he loves so much.

Poor Zizou has to wear a cone and stay in his condo.
Sorry Zizou, doctor's orders!

Still, he almost looks proud of that new get-up! :P

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