Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 16th

What a crazy weekend!
We have an absolutely full house here at All My Kitties and a whole bunch of great, sweet guests
Don't worry if your beloved friend isn't in this post, we have a full house and only so much space in a post. 
But if you're really missing your cat or just want a picture, please, just let us know and we'll make sure they make it into the next blog!

We are so glad to have Mo and Jo back! They are such an adorable pair and they play all the time

Phoenix has a coat like majestic mountain snow, and a nice warm personality to go with it

This afternoon heat is the only excuse Kashi needs to bask all day long

Haji can look so serious, but he's a sweet little guy the second you go up to him

We have two Tigers again! I gotta say, neither are all that ferocious, this guy is made of affection

Spike has staked his claim, that this is HIS cat pole

Tana sees a cat toy...

Nyar is good at the dramatic poses

Mittens is good being adorable 100% of the time

Grace is an expert at finding the perfect shade to sun ratio 

Jo happens to be an expert on rolling around in wicker baskets.

This Tiger doesn't need to be an expert on anything, he just wants some attention

Little Bit's such a sweetie, she loves posing for pictures

Caruso is hard to get a picture of sitting still, he inspects everything here on a daily basis

Lilly too! Some cats are just born explorers!

Some cats are just natural relaxers, and Kiki will be the first to inform you there's nothing wrong with that

Baby agrees, she tends to just find a nice high spot with some soft bedding and just hang out all day

Speaking of hanging out, what's up Swiper and Rocky?
These guys definitely have a favorite spot here.

Jackson will sun himself all day long, only to pop his head in for some water

Frost and Marshmellow are just the sweetest pair, they are so nice to have around the office

Nadia just came in and she is already in explorer mode

Ralphie is such a sweetheart! he has the warmest personality and a cute pair of mismatched eyes

Alice also just got in and she has made quick work establishing HER spot

I don't think Mia cares too much about having a spot of her own, as long as she has some sun

I don't think Yana cares much either. In fact, I get the impression some of these cats don't have a worry in the world.

Kiki here (another name we have two of!) was quick to inform me that he's rather concerned with getting his dinner soon...

Blog by Miles, who is having a blast with all the cats! Time to run now, because I have a whole house of hungry kitties waiting on me!

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